Dear me
lacquer thinner、Print
Dear me
Human civilization shares the same path of development with Gordon Moore’s (founder of Intel) Moore’s Law, which in Intel’s term, is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit tends to double about every 18 months. The denser the coverage of internet has tracked down human’s intelligence, streamed their consciousness, infiltrated and slipped into their lives, it changes the way we perceive this world, comprehend this world, exchange information and even our lifestyle.
It came to me one day that I discovered Google search has retained all my search history for the past decade, and these rows of web addresses somehow indexed my personalities between these years. I was curious and nervous at the same time seeing what happens to be a tiny part of my private self in an ocean of a greater collective consciousness.
In the beginning of this project, the search engine data will be imprinted onto the exhibition, then in the later phase be washed off. I intend to expose the private search history into the public, and review the “publicity” and “privacy” of the internet. And through the process of “imprinting” and “removing”, which represents “Accessing browser history- slowly exposing the private loggings and profiles into the collective mind” and “Deleting browser history- wiping oneself away from that collective conscious”.
The purging process was not thorough, and therefore some scrambled, scattered data remains, so does the browser data we deleted can never be verified if it’s truly wiped clean, maybe there were debris and fragments of information, like space trash, wandering in the space of the internet.
人類文明的發展依循英特爾(Intel)創辦人戈登.摩爾(Gordon Moore)所提出的「摩爾定律」以每18個月倍增的速度成長。效能越來越好的晶片讓訊息的計算與傳遞速度越來越快。密度越來越高的網際網絡(Internet)搜羅了人類的智慧,串接人類的意識,逐漸滲入、浸透人類生存的隙縫,改變人們觀看世界、理解世界、接收資訊、傳播資訊的方式,甚至是生活起居。
《Dear me》作品展場圖
《Dear me》作品展場圖
《Dear me》作品細節圖,搜尋紀錄文字拓印於木板上
《Dear me》作品細節圖
《Dear me》作品細節圖
《Dear me》作品製作過程,使用香蕉水將文字拓印於展場木板上
lacquer thinner、Print
Dear me
Human civilization shares the same path of development with Gordon Moore’s (founder of Intel) Moore’s Law, which in Intel’s term, is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit tends to double about every 18 months. The denser the coverage of internet has tracked down human’s intelligence, streamed their consciousness, infiltrated and slipped into their lives, it changes the way we perceive this world, comprehend this world, exchange information and even our lifestyle.
It came to me one day that I discovered Google search has retained all my search history for the past decade, and these rows of web addresses somehow indexed my personalities between these years. I was curious and nervous at the same time seeing what happens to be a tiny part of my private self in an ocean of a greater collective consciousness.
In the beginning of this project, the search engine data will be imprinted onto the exhibition, then in the later phase be washed off. I intend to expose the private search history into the public, and review the “publicity” and “privacy” of the internet. And through the process of “imprinting” and “removing”, which represents “Accessing browser history- slowly exposing the private loggings and profiles into the collective mind” and “Deleting browser history- wiping oneself away from that collective conscious”.
The purging process was not thorough, and therefore some scrambled, scattered data remains, so does the browser data we deleted can never be verified if it’s truly wiped clean, maybe there were debris and fragments of information, like space trash, wandering in the space of the internet.
人類文明的發展依循英特爾(Intel)創辦人戈登.摩爾(Gordon Moore)所提出的「摩爾定律」以每18個月倍增的速度成長。效能越來越好的晶片讓訊息的計算與傳遞速度越來越快。密度越來越高的網際網絡(Internet)搜羅了人類的智慧,串接人類的意識,逐漸滲入、浸透人類生存的隙縫,改變人們觀看世界、理解世界、接收資訊、傳播資訊的方式,甚至是生活起居。
《Dear me》作品展場圖
《Dear me》作品展場圖
《Dear me》作品細節圖,搜尋紀錄文字拓印於木板上
《Dear me》作品細節圖
《Dear me》作品細節圖
《Dear me》作品製作過程,使用香蕉水將文字拓印於展場木板上